
Décor Pumpkins

This idea is borrowed from the fall issue of Chatelaine, but we loved it so much we just had to share!

Instead of traditional cut out designs why not try something a little more modern with painted or gold leafed pumpkins. To create a gold leaf pumpkin follow these 3 easy steps

You will need: One pumpkin, spray adhesive, gold leaf, a clean paintbrush.

1. Wash and dry pumpkin and spray with adhesive.

2. Lay foil overtop, one piece at a time, smoothing down into creases with paintbrush as you go.

3. Work your way around pumpkin and don’t worry about crinkles; they add to the effect.

Easy how-to: Use a tall candlestick as a pedestal and give your pumpkin the royal treatment with gold leaf and spray adhesive.

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